Refund / Cancellation Policy
If for any reason you are not happy with the product or Items in your order, you will have 5 business days to submit a request along with the receipt of the item/s to be returned un-damaged to davidthompson@southboysstudio.com. Please allow up to 14 business days from time of submission to receive a full refund.
However depending on the items in your order, if you desire any type of exchange, there is a possibility your order may need to be replaced due to the item may be out of stock depending on the date of cancellation. And we do send our deepest apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Fulfillment / Shipping Policy
South Boy's Recording Site
South Boys Recording has made it possible to ensure the delivery of you products arrive to you within a timely fashion. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for delivery to be expedited to your location.
If for any reason your order has not arrived within the time frame provided by our delivery service, e-mail the owner directly at davidthompson@southboysstudio.com or for faster service, please hit the chat button below to speak our customer service department directly.